Against Child Pornography

According to Law 679 of August 3, 2001 issued by the Congress, to establish provisions to prevent and counter exploitation, pornography and sex tourism with minors.

According to the provisions of this Act, all persons must prevent, block, combat and denounce exploitation, accommodation, use, publication, dissemination of images, texts, documents, audio files, improper use of global information networks, or establishment of telematic links of any kind related to pornographic or sexual activities allusive to minors material.

Developing the provisions of Article 17 of Law 679 of 2001, the agency warns the tourist exploitation and sexual abuse of minors in the country are criminal and administrative sanctions, in accordance with applicable laws. Likewise and in order to comply with Resolution 3840 of 24 December 2009 and under Article 1 of Law 1336 of July 21, 2009, PROVIDENCE TRAVEL Inc. adopted a Model Code of Conduct, to to forestall and prevent sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in tourism.

Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

PROVIDENCIA TRAVEL declares that it is in no list of established local and international levels to control money laundering and terrorist financing; Also under Policy Money Laundering Prevention, verify that its subcontractors, suppliers, members of the board of directors or board members, their legal representatives and its auditor, are not on those lists.